Choose the chef who best represents their personal beliefs with a signature dish.
These are the world-renowned chefs who will choose the next winner.
Discover the results of the Regional Finals as they happen.
These are the young chefs who will compete at the Regional Finals.
These are the world-renowned chefs who will choose the next winner.
Discover the results of the Regional Finals as they happen.
The S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy exists to nurture culinary talent. Find out what it can do for you, and how to become a member.
The S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition identifies the best young chefs around the world, showcases their talent, and accelerates their professional development. It is a way for young talent to access the top tier of the chef community and make a positive impact in the world of gastronomy.
The S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy supports and expands the work of the Competition, promoting positive and progressive values in global gastronomy.