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Daniel Nates: “My style of cooking? To use local ingredients and show a piece of my territory”

The young chef representing Latin America talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead of the Grand Finale.

Daniel Nates was named the best young chef in Latin America region during the S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016 regional heat and he will now put his passion for cooking to the test at the Grand Finale in Milan under the guidance of mentor chef Guillermo González Beristáin.

We spoke to him about his preparations on how he turned a passion into a profession.

My dish is unique because…
It reflects the essence and nature of my country, also shows really well my style of cooking which is about using local ingredients and showing a piece of my territory.

What are the main influences in your signature dish?
The traditional Mexican diet, that also symbolizes the connection between human being and nature.

How are you collaborating with your S.Pellegrino Young Chef mentor in order to perfect your dish for the final?
We are refining details of the dish.

What led you to choosing a career in the kitchen?
The passion of my parents for biology inspired me to do something that would express the nature in a different form.

Who has been a mentor to you throughout your career?
My mother always taught me to appreciate and recognize the nature.

What are your professional ambitions?
To create a network of indigenous suppliers who can bring their products to much more people.

What’s the best dish you ever tasted? Where did you eat it and who cooked it?
A black mole made ​​by Oaxacan Indians.

What is the most exciting/challenging element of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef competition for you?
To carry Mexican ingredients to Milan.

What will you do if you win the competition?
I’d like to create a restaurant in Mexico that reflects my style cooking.

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