20/03/2025 Meet the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 grand finalists These are the 15 young chefs from around the world who will gather in Milan to c... MORE
27/06/2023 S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2022-23 collateral award winners Discover who will take home the Social Responsibility, Connection in Gastronomy ... MORE
30/05/2023 Meet the Acqua Panna Connection in Gastronomy Award 2022-23 regional winners Ahead of the announcement of the global winner, meet the young chef finalists vy... MORE
05/05/2023 Meet the S.Pellegrino Social Responsibility Award 2022-23 regional winners Ahead of the announcement of the global winner, meet the 15 young chefs vying fo... MORE
30/03/2023 Vote for your favourite young chef to win the Fine Dining Lovers Food for Thought Award The public will choose the winner ahead of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy C... MORE
16/02/2023 Meet the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2022-23 grand finalists These are the 15 talented young chefs who will battle it out for the S.Pellegrin... MORE
22/09/2022 Meet the Winners of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2022-23 Regional Finals Discover all the results of the regional finals as they happen. MORE
09/11/2021 Community is at the Heart of the Academy Despite travel restrictions, young and senior chefs are building connections. MORE
07/06/2019 Regional Finalists of S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2019-2020 Revealed! Find out who’s been selected to compete in the Regional Finals of the latest edi... MORE
10/11/2020 Alessandro Bergamo to compete at Bocuse d’Or 2021 The Young Chef will line-up in the ‘Culinary Olympics’ just weeks after the S.Pe... MORE
03/07/2020 Canada's young chef Rafael Covarrubias is “One to Watch” The chef of the Hexagon Restaurant of Oakville earned himself the One to Watch a... MORE
11/12/2019 S.Pellegrino Young Chef, the competition so far With the regional finals concluded and the Grand Finale fast approaching, here’s... MORE
14/10/2016 S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016: The Finalists' Dishes | Gallery Starting today, 20 young chefs will present their signature dishes to a panel of... MORE
13/10/2016 Nikolaj Schmidt Skadborg: “Cooking opened up a new world for me” The young chef representing Scandinavia talks to us in this interview exclusive ... MORE
13/10/2016 Seira Furuya: “I’d like to be able to put my personal style as a woman chef into my dishes” The young chef representing Japan talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead ... MORE
13/10/2016 Rodrigo Sandor: “My dream was once upon a time I would like working in a Michelin star restaurant” The young chef representing East Europe talks to us in this interview exclusive ... MORE
13/10/2016 George Kataras: “I found my way to express myself through the food I create” The young chef representing UK and Ireland talks to us in this interview exclus... MORE
13/10/2016 Tarun Bhatia: “I had some options as what to choose as a career, chef was one of it…” The young chef representing South East Asia talks to us in this interview exclus... MORE
13/10/2016 Leslie Hottiaux: “I still want to create dishes that people will love and make my customers happy” The young chef representing Pacific talks to us in this interview exclusive ahea... MORE
13/10/2016 Alessandro Rapisarda: “My cooking philosophy: to create an experience artistic and with human depth” The young chef representing Italy talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead ... MORE
13/10/2016 Sean MacDonald: “As long as I’m cooking and food is a big part of my life, I’ll be happy” The young chef representing Canada talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead... MORE
13/10/2016 Hezret Berdiev: “My ambition? Become owner of a restaurant and carry on sharing my passion” The young chef representing Russia, Baltics & CIS talks to us in this interview ... MORE
13/10/2016 Anne-Sophie Taurines: “The creative and manual work led me to this career” The young chef representing Switzerland talks to us in this interview exclusive ... MORE
13/10/2016 Nicolaos Billis: “I'd like to do my part in saving and advertising Greek gastronomy all over the world” The young chef representing Mediterranean Countries talks to us in this intervie... MORE
13/10/2016 Chang Liu: “I have realized the importance of traditional cooking method” The young chef representing China talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead ... MORE
13/10/2016 David Andres: “My aspiration is to keep growing every day and never stop learning” The young chef representing Spain and Portugal talks to us in this interview exc... MORE
13/10/2016 Matteo Zonarelli: “My signature dish represent me in its essentiality and apparently simplicity” The young chef representing North East Asia talks to us in this interview exclus... MORE
13/10/2016 Daniel Nates: “My style of cooking? To use local ingredients and show a piece of my territory” The young chef representing Latin America talks to us in this interview exclusiv... MORE
13/10/2016 Matthias Walter: “I would like to create my own culinary concept” The young chef representing Germany & Austria talks to us in this interview excl... MORE
13/10/2016 Mitch Lienhard: “Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a Chef” The young chef representing USA talks to us in this interview exclusive ahead of... MORE
13/10/2016 Andrea Miacola: “World of cooking is not a job but a passion” The young chef representing Benelux talks to us in this interview exclusive ahea... MORE
13/10/2016 Gregoire Berger: “I would like to build a food charity concept” The young chef representing Africa and Middle East talks to us in this interview... MORE
01/08/2016 Mitch Lienhard wins the S.Pellegrino Young Chef USA final Mitch Lienhard will represent the USA at the S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016 Grand ... MORE
22/06/2016 George Kataras is the UK-Ireland Young Chef 2016 Finalist George Kataras from M Threadneedle Street, has earned his place as the UK-Irelan... MORE
30/06/2016 Anne-Sophie Taurines Wins the Switzerland Challenge Anne-Sophie Taurines is the young chef selected to represent Switzerland in the ... MORE
27/05/2016 David Andrés is Spain and Portugal’s Local Finalist David Andrés has been chosen to represent Spain and Portugal at the S.Pellegrino... MORE
18/07/2016 Tarun Bhatia wins the Young Chef South East Asia final Tarun Bhatia will be the young chef to represent South East Asia in the S.Pelleg... MORE
27/05/2016 Nikolaj Schmidt Skadborg is the Scandinavia Finalist Nikolaj Schmidt Skadborg will represent the Scandinavian region at the S.Pellegr... MORE
30/05/2016 Hezret Berdiev is the Russia, Baltics & CIS Finalist Hezret Berdiev will represent the Russia, Baltics & CIS region at the S.Pellegri... MORE
27/07/2016 Leslie Hottiaux is the winner of the Pacific final Leslie Hottiaux will be the young chef to represent the Pacific region in the S.... MORE
28/06/2016 Matteo Zonarelli Wins the North East Asia Challenge Matteo Zonarelli is the young chef finalist to represent North East Asia at S.Pe... MORE
06/06/2016 Nicolaos Billis is Mediterranean Countries Winner Nicolaos Billis will represent the Mediterranean Countries at the S.Pellegrino ... MORE
09/06/2016 Daniel Nates is the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Latin America Regional Finalist Daniel Nates is the Young Chef from Mexico to represent Latin America at the S.P... MORE
04/07/2016 Seira Furuya Wins the Japan Challenge Seira Furuya is the young chef selected to represent Japan in the S.Pellegrino Y... MORE
20/06/2016 Alessandro Rapisarda is the Italian Finalist Alessandro Rapisarda is the Young Chef to represent Italy at the S.Pellegrino Yo... MORE
03/06/2016 Matthias Walter is the Germany-Austria finalist Matthias Walter is going to represent Germany-Austria at the S.Pellegrino Young ... MORE
15/05/2016 Shintaro Awa is the French Finalist Shintaro Awa will represent France at the S.Pellegrino Young Chef 2016. MORE
13/07/2016 Rodrigo Sandor wins the East Europe challenge Rodrigo Sandor is the victorious chef selected to represent East Europe in the S... MORE
20/03/2025 Meet the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 grand finalists These are the 15 young chefs from around the world who will gather in Milan to c... MORE
26/09/2024 Meet the winners of the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Discover the results of the Regional Finals as they happen. MORE
20/09/2024 Watch ‘Afuera Hay Más – A Young Chef’s Journey’ A new documentary follows S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition winner Nel... MORE
09/08/2024 S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25: Vote for the Fine Dining Lovers Food for Thought Award Choose the chef who best represents their personal beliefs with a signature dish... MORE
06/08/2024 Meet the Regional Finalists for S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 These are the young chefs who will compete at the Regional Finals. MORE
05/08/2024 Meet the Grand Jury for S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 These are the world-renowned chefs who will choose the next winner. MORE
18/04/2024 The best meets the best: Freitas in Peru for mentoring experience S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Award winner Nelson Freitas travelled to Peru to... MORE
21/03/2024 Meet the Local Juries for S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 These are the chefs who will choose the regional winners. MORE
06/02/2024 Apply now for S.Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition 2024-25 Are you the best young chef in the world? It’s time to cook your way to glory. MORE